Interactive Services Website Design


The Brief

The Inventors Business Center was established by infomercial pioneer Kevin Harrington to give product inventors and owners a full service development house to take new products and ideas to mass market with the power of direct sales television.


Meadows Medical Solutions

We've worked with Kevin Harrington before on his Kevin Harrington TV site, so we knew the kind of performance he was looking for. But this site was different in many ways. After starring in ABC's Shark Tank, Kevin realized just how many people were in serious need of a center that could take their ideas and products and turn them into the next DRTV hit. Polycreative's skilled development team began to set priorities based on the feedback of IBC's top brass. Number one their list, an easy and simple submission process.

We've performed many tests in the pasts on form submission completion rates and drop rates. We knew that creating a long and tedious form was a sure fire way to discourage users from ever filling out a form. So our approach took us into multi-step process. Product owners could simply submit their name and email address to start the process. One of the big hurdles in the invention / product development market is creating trust. So after the initial submission the user is taken to an information page describing the reasons why we were about to ask them a lot of detailed questions before ever getting to the form. To help reassure that their information was confidential and we would protect their ideas. Then the user would be taken to the complete form page. At the same time a confirmation email would be sent to the corresponding address so that if the user choosed to fill out the complete form later they could.

The Results

The results were extraordinary, hundreds of product ideas came streaming through in the first week. After some testing we developed the form even further by splitting the questions up into multiple pages reducing the number of questions per page resulting in an increase of form submital rate over 67% IBC now has an in house development team that has now built upon the web presence we created and we wish them the best of luck as we continue work with the great team over at IBC Studios.